Covid-19 alertness

Estado de alerta COVID-19

COVID-19. Measures taken by the La Milagrosa Gerontological Complex. Faced with the alert situation conditioned by Covid-19, La Milagrosa Gerontological Complex has launched a MANAGEMENT CABINET OF MEASURES TO TAKE with daily meetings to inform staff, residents and families.These actions may be followed in the following links:- Coronavirus Cabinet (16…

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Coronavirus and the elderly

Coronavirus y personas mayores

Coronavirus recommendations. Given the alarm situation generated by the rapid dissemination of COVID-19, in this video (made by hand) we collect a series of measures to try to prevent its expansion while serving as a reminder on what to do to protect us. Remember that STAY AT HOME AND THE…

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FOIE/2019 Programme

Programa FOIE/2019

Third phase of adequacy of the Day-care Center. During the last month of November improvements have been made to the multipurpose room and the coordination office of Day-care Center, which have consisted of the change of the pavement to self-supporting vinyl, repair and painting of walls and screens, as well…

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