La Milagrosa, not a single infected.

La Milagrosa, libre de coronavirus

This is how 134 negatives are celebrated. The Gerontological Complex completes the testing of all its residents without any positives. Overflowing joy and dances at La Milagrosa Gerontological Complex when knowing the result of coronavirus tests between users and workers: not a single infected. Link to the news published in…

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Covid-19 alertness

Estado de alerta COVID-19

COVID-19. Measures taken by the La Milagrosa Gerontological Complex. Faced with the alert situation conditioned by Covid-19, La Milagrosa Gerontological Complex has launched a MANAGEMENT CABINET OF MEASURES TO TAKE with daily meetings to inform staff, residents and families.These actions may be followed in the following links:- Coronavirus Cabinet (16…

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Coronavirus and the elderly

Coronavirus y personas mayores

Coronavirus recommendations. Given the alarm situation generated by the rapid dissemination of COVID-19, in this video (made by hand) we collect a series of measures to try to prevent its expansion while serving as a reminder on what to do to protect us. Remember that STAY AT HOME AND THE…

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FOIE/2019 Programme

Programa FOIE/2019

Third phase of adequacy of the Day-care Center. During the last month of November improvements have been made to the multipurpose room and the coordination office of Day-care Center, which have consisted of the change of the pavement to self-supporting vinyl, repair and painting of walls and screens, as well…

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