The Gerontological Complex La Milagrosa has been recognized in the year 2007 as an entity of I+D+i by the Ministry of industry, Tourism and Commerce, appearing in the register of entities (currently registration of applicants for grants, RESA) with number: 0525122007; and being some of the projects in which it has participated:

Project term: 2023.
Funding: Diputación de A Coruña.
Participating entities: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 46.666,85 €.
Contributed by the Deputation of A Coruña: 32.993,21 €.
Own contribution: 13.673,64 €.
Summary: Through this subsidy, UDP-A Coruña faces different expenses related to maintenance (paved ground floor, corridor, and visitors’ room; equipment (access control system) and furniture (garden chairs and interior armchairs) of the Gerontological Complex A Milagrosa, a place where the Active Ageing program is carried out, whose main objective is to improve the quality of life of its users.
Project term: 2023.
Funding: Diputación de A Coruña.
Participating entities: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 18.540,07 €.
Contributed by the Deputation of A Coruña: 13.905,05 €.
Own contribution: 4.635,02 €.
Summary: Active Ageing Program with innovative elements such as Multicomponent Physical Activity (MPA), Multisensory Stimulation in Snoezelen room, and application of new technologies for the elderly to improve the quality of life of the elderly users of the Gerontological Complex A Milagrosa. This grant covers expenses related to the personnel in charge of developing the program, as well as water and electricity.
Project term: 2022.
Funding: Diputación de A Coruña (19.000 €).
Participating entities: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 25.333,33 €.
Summary: Active Ageing Programme with innovative elements such as Multicomponent Physical Activity (MPA), therapeutic chess and Multisensory Stimulation in Snoezelen room with the aim of improving the quality of life of users of the Gerontological Complex La Milagrosa. This subsidy covers expenses related to the staff in charge of developing the programme, as well as water, and electricity.
Project term: 2022.
Funding: Diputación de A Coruña (21.257,44€).
Participating entities: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 28.343,25€.
Summary: Through this grant, the UDP-A Coruña faces different expenses related to maintenance (painting of the mezzanine floor of the day centre, ground floor of the residence and main entrance façade) equipment (video surveillance cameras, air purifiers with EPA filters or office supplies, among others) of the Gerontological Complex La Milagrosa, where the Active Ageing programme is carried out, whose main objective is to improve the quality of life of its users.
Project term: 2021.
Funding: Diputación de A Coruña (17.000 €).
Participating entities: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 22.666,67 €.
Summary: This call will cover different expenses related to current services (water and electricity) and staff dedicated to the active ageing programme developed by this complex, which includes, among other activities, a multi-component physical activity programme and a multi-sensory stimulation programme in the Snoezelen room.
Project term: 2021.
Funding: Diputación de A Coruña (29.877,61 €).
Participating entities: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 39.836,81 €.
Summary: This call will be used to cover various investment costs in equipment and maintenance of the Gerontological Complex, such as the painting of floors 1 and 2.
Project term: 2020.
Funding: Diputación de A Coruña (12.500 €).
Participating entities: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 16.666 €.
Summary: Active aging program, continuation of those developed in previous calls and which aims through physical and cognitive intervention to slow down the process of deterioration of the elderly, promoting quality of life.
Project term: 2020.
Funding: Diputación de A Coruña (10.775 €).
Participating entities: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 27.700,68 €.
Summary: Social services investment program that with the help received has allowed the center to acquire two computers, as well as perform the maintenance of the external aviary, the cold room (motor change), protect corridors and rooms on the 1st floor, install a climate regulator on the 2nd floor and replace the awning of the day center garden.
Project term: 2019.
Funding: Diputación de A Coruña (15.000 €).
Participating entities: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 20.000 €.
Summary: This project and the continuation of those previously subsidized by the Provincial Council for the maintenance of social service centers in 2019 and, in particular, of the rehabilitation and intervention activities carried out in the La Milagrosa complex, which include group activities, multisensory stimulation activity, multi-component physical activity, multi-component and therapeutic chess among others.
Project term: 2019.
Funding: Diputación de A Coruña (15.000 €).
Participating entities: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 20.000 €.
Summary: With this help, they face different investment costs to keep the Complex in good use and offer its users a comfortable environment. This aid made the following purchases and maintenance activities: computer equipment, water heaters, air conditioning, blinds, wheelchairs, bed railings, vertical wall protectors, shower chairs and LED lamps.
Project term: 2018.
Funding: Diputación de A Coruña (20.000 €).
Participating entities: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 26.666,67 €.
Summary: The Program “EcoManagement 3rd phase: Friendly centers for older persons” is a continuation of the program “EcoManagement: Friendly centers for older persons”, started in the year 2016 by the Gerontological Complex La Milagrosa (non-profit organization with important social interests within its scope), and it aims to generally improve all the activities developed in the complex and included in its services, namely:
– Conditioning of a physical activity room and annexes (painting, carpentry, flooring, vinyl)
– Supply of condensing boiler (hot water and heating)
Project term: 2018.
Funding: Diputación de A Coruña (7.500 €).
Participating entities: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 12.500 €.
Summary: Overview: Mobility Program (GeroMotion) for patients with great dependence is a continuation of the programme carried out in 2017 and it is characterized by the application of mixed intervention techniques, on the one hand physical therapy based on the inhibition of the spasticity combined with passive mobilization of one or both parts of the body, gentle stretches and inhibitory postures and the other occupational therapy intervention-based on the ability to perform activities of daily living.
The aim of this program is to increase in an interdisciplinary manner attention to patients, which according to their physical and mental conditions, could not face mobility through other techniques, in which greater mental control is needed.
The program is therefore aimed to the users of the complex in advanced stages of their pathologies, with high disability and dependency, the purpose is to provide greater attention to their needs and increase their quality of life.
Project term: 2017.
Funding: Diputación de A Coruña (9.524,30 €).
Participating entities: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 12.699,07 €.
Summary: The program “ECOXESTIÓN 2nd Phase: Friendly centers for the elderly” is the continuation of the program “ECOXESTIÓN: Friendly centers for the elderly”, started in 2016 by the Gerontological Complex La Milagrosa (a non-profit entity with important social interests in its field of action), and which seeks to improve the activities developed at the complex and included in their portfolio of services, namely:
– Improving the overall look of the interior of the complex, which facilitates the realization of all activities on the welfare of users, family members and staff, including among others: group activities (reading newspapers, music therapy, therapeutic itineraries, horticulture, communication, light-therapy, aromatherapy, deambulation, physical activities for great dependents and others), individual activities (assessment and therapeutic intervention), multisensorial stimulation in Snoezelen room. Memory workshops to associated people of the UDP. Support to the families of persons with dependence through psychological cabinet…
– Improving the quality of the lighting to facilitate the communication and the quality of the habitat, among people who work in the center (users, family members, and professional staff).
– Improving the image of the complex through the coverage of the vertical walls of the complex, using materials resistant to the blows.
– Decreasing the energy impact of the complex.
Project term: 2017.
Funding: Diputación de A Coruña (9.169,39 €).
Participating entities: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 15.282,32 €.
Summary: Mobility (GeroMotion) program for patients with high dependence is a continuation of the previous program conducted in 2016, and it is characterized by the application of combined intervention techniques of physical (based on the spasticity inhibition in combination with passive mobilization of one or both parts of the body, gentle stretching and inhibition postures) and occupational therapy (based on the ability to perform daily living activities).
The objective of the program is increasing the interdisciplinary attention in patients that due to their physical and mental conditions are difficult to treat through other techniques implying higher intellectual control.
The program is therefore aimed at users of the Complex who are in advanced stages of their diseases with high disability and dependence in order to pay greater attention to their needs and increase their quality of life.
Project term: 2016.
Funding entity: Deputy of A Coruña (4.140,00 €).
Participants: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 7.451,40 €.
Overview: The main objective of the EcoGestión program is to preserve the Gerontological Complex La Milagrosa through interventions according to the characteristics of the Friendly Centres to allow saving energy and contribute to the reduction of the ecological footprint. Moreover, the specific objectives are the following:
1. To improve the illumination of the Complex according to the current legislation to create pleasant environments for the users and the professionals.
2. To use the light therapy to keep a warm and pleasant space, the philosophy of the Complex, so not only the users can enjoy the centre but also the relatives and the professionals of the entity.
3. To increase the levels of energy efficiency in the Complex.
Project term: 2016.
Funding entity: Deputy of A Coruña (4.976,46 €).
Participants: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 11.142,99 €.
Overview: GeroMotion program for patients with great dependence is characterized by the application of manual techniques of spasticity inhibition blended with massive mobilization of one or both hemibodies, soft stretching and inhibition positions. The program aims to increase the interdisciplinary assistance to those patients (residents in the Complex) with advanced stages in their corresponding pathologies, with high disability and dependence, focused to pay more attention to their needs and increase their quality of life. The general objective of the project is to complement the interdisciplinary attention whilst improving the quality of life of the residents in the Complex suffering from diseases in advanced stages presented with high disability and dependence. The specific objectives are the following:
1. To improve the Health status and consequently the Quality of Life of the recipients.
2. To ease the work of the professional caregiver when developing the geriatric care needed by elderly people with great dependency from the Gerontological Complex La Milagrosa.
3. To increase the services offered by the Complex to their users, which undoubtedly will influence their relatives and friends.
Project term: 2016.
Funding entity: UDP-A Coruña.
Participants: UDP-A Coruña, University of A Coruña.
Overview: This project aims to study the cerebral electrical activity in healthy older people and with mild cognitive impairment. The EEG electrodes are placed on the scalp over areas that correspond to various parts of the brain to be able to detect and record electrical activity patterns and see if there are abnormalities. This electrical activity may indicate cognitive dysfunction in an area or in the entire brain. As cognitive impairment constitutes a frequent reason for consultation, the EEG analysis allows a better diagnosis after the integration of the obtained data and the clinic interview.

Funding entity: UDP-A Coruña.
Participants: UDP-A Coruña, University of A Coruña.
Overview: Since with the passing of years people lose sensory skills, gerontological research outlines new treatments and therapies so that the quality of life is not so affected. In this sense, the sensory stimulation room in the GC La Milagrosa intends to work the sight, smell, hearing and touch. The Snoezelen therapy can be applied to everyone, from adults to children, but there is a group of people much more susceptible to make use of this therapy such as people with Alzheimer, dementia, etc. The Snoezelen environment seeks above all to achieve lasting changes interacting with the environment, hence the importance of the therapist who accompanies the user because what the user does is important for the user himself, and what the therapist does is also important for the user. In summary, we will establish an emotional bond with the user.
Project term: 2016.
Funding entity: UDP-A Coruña.
Participants: UDP-A Coruña, University of A Coruña.
Overview: This project, developed in the R+D+i+Quality department of the GC La Milagrosa tries to study the types of associations and statistical relations between certain drugs (hypnotics, anxiolytics, barbiturates, antipsychotics, antidepressants and drugs for dementia) and the psychological and behavioral symptoms of dementia. The interest of this project lies in the fact the BPSD are very common in patients with dementia. They are often associated with the indiscriminate prescription of psychotropic medication, especially benzodiazepines and antipsychotics. Nowadays, research is more conscious about the need to enforce stricter policies in the prescription and monitoring of medication.
Project term: 2016.
Funding entity: UDP-A Coruña.
Participants: UDP-A Coruña, A Coruña City Council, University of A Coruña.
Overview: The project Telecognitio® is a computerized cognitive training tool that improves the quality of life and autonomy of the elderly by means of prevention and rehabilitation of cognitive functions. The specific objectives are the maintenance of cognitive abilities, prevention of cognitive impairment, cognitive intervention through the use of the system and the prevention of the institutionalization of our elders, as well as promoting active ageing at home.
Project term: 2016.
Funding entity: A Coruña City Council.
Participants: UDP-A Coruña, A Coruña City Council, University of A Coruña, Recursos y Servicios Gerontológicos Gallegos.
Overview: Telegerontología® is a collaborative project between the Madrid City Council and y the Association of Retired and Pensioners from A Coruña which enables easier access to ITC for older people through the Telegerontología® device;. This is a new Gerontological Home Support adapted during the development process with the support of the A Coruña City Council to be incorporated to community institutios such as municipal civic centres. It currently provide service to more than 200 people over 65 years old who enjoy a number of functionalities such as a mental functions training program (Telecognitio®), videos and learning contents related with health promotion and active ageing; and video conference for socio-sanitary consultation with professionals at GC La Milagrosa in certain time slots and on a pilot basis.
Project term: 2016.
Funding entities: UDP-A Coruña, University of A Coruña.
Overview: The Comprehensive Gerontological Assessment is a useful tool to know the needs of older people and to establish a descriptive frame of their needs to promote sociosanitary measures and practical recommendations aimed at improving their quality of life and promote their active ageing from a multidimensional perspective (cognitive, emotional, functional, social…). By means of a detailed longitudinal prospective study, which enables to analyze the dependence causality, the FRAILTY-ASSESSMENT project tries to identify the reality of gerontological assessment in the Galician older population belonging to different groups and associations. The aim is to identify their needs and establish recommendations that a sociosanitary policy must consider in addressing the current rise in the ageing population. The longitudinal tracking of the status of the older person allows the identification of risk and protective factors of dependence and therefore, intervene on the quality of life of the elderly.
Project term: 2015.
Funding entity: Diputación de A Coruña (14.968,71 €).
Participants: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 39,895.28 €.
Overview: The need this project intends to cover is based on the non-pharmacological intervention in dementia through two subprograms: 1. Intervention through new technologies (Telegerontology) and 2. Multisensory stimulation (Snoezelen room). Non-pharmacological interventions are defined as non-chemical, targeted, structured, replicable, aimed at alleviating disease and improve the quality of life of patients and caregivers. They seem to share mechanisms of action, related to neuroplasticity and cognitive reserve increase, vasculocerebral improvement and adaptation to stress.
The main objective of this project is to optimize the function of the person with dementia through various psycho-social techniques aimed at different areas of intervention (cognitive, behavioral, environmental, family, etc.) in the absence of cure through drug treatment. The specific objectives are:
– 1. Keep and expand the number of users, due to the adjustment of non-pharmacological treatment in the services of Telegerontology and Snoezelen room at the residence of the GC La Milagrosa.
– 2. Improve the quality of life of people with dementia who are institutionalized in our complex.
Project term: 2013-2015.
Funding entity: Community grant for the Ambient Assisted Living joint program (Code: ESR-aal 2012 5 107) and national grant from the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourim (Record number: AAL-010000-2013-3).
Participants: Via University College (Denmark), Sekoia Assisted Living (Denmark), Balidea (Spain), CESGA (Spain), Poznan University of Medical Sciences (Poland), Danish Alzheimer Association (Denmark), Association of Retired and Pensioners from A Coruña-UDP (Spain), Ortopedyczno-Rehabilitacyjny Szpital Kliniczny nr 4 im. W. Degi (Poland) and Skanderborg Municipality (Denmark).
Budget: 142,378.50 € (Community+National grants).
Overview: Ambient Assisted Living joint program, is a research program involving 20 EU countries, including Spain, co-financing projects based on the improvement of the quality of life of older people through the use of ICT. Among the projects funded by this Call, is the project understAID, focused on alleviating the life of informal caregivers directly addressing their training needs not currently met. This educational support will focus on the user, individualized and based on an e-learning model, which will provide individualized and relevant orientation on how to deal with dementia according to each individual user profile. The most important novelty of the project consists of the development of a methodology for highly sophisticated search to adapt the learning material and the contents to the situational context of the individual and their needs. This represents considerable progress in the search for information and current classification systems. This Project is performed in partnership with Denmark and Poland.
Project term: 2012-2015.
Funding entity: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Subprograma INNPACTO).
Participants: UDP-A Coruña, University of A Coruña, Recursos y Servicios Gerontológicos Gallegos S.L.
Budget: 43,1791.08 € (Grant: 57 515.09 € and loan: 49.120,80 €).
Overview: The main objective of the AGAD-TIC is to promote industrial development in the fields of health and social welfare, particularly with regard to technologies that support older people stay at home. To achieve this objective, this project aims to increase the functionality of a product already existing in the market (Telegerontologia®) to provide more and better services in the field of telemedicine, remote alarm and telecare, incorporating new devices and home domotics management.
Telegerontología® is a device which was first developed in the year 2001. Some of its functionalities are: Static files (socio-sanitary training and support issues developed by experts); Professional at Home (video-conference to establish direct contact with professionals); Group therapies (allow access to physical and/or cognitive therapies through videos) and Cognitive Stimulation and Assessment (using the own developed application, Telecognitio®, different mental areas such as memory, attention and concentration are trained by means of activities that allow the monitoring of the user’s cognitive state while interacting with the system). It also includes a remote record of biomedical parameters.
These types of devices offer a lot of possibilities, for example control and monitor chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiac disorders, lung diseases, among others.
So far and in a simple and accessible way, Telegerontología® offers the user the possibility to check the blood pressure, the pulse rate and the oxygen saturation level in blood. All registered data, generate a diagnostic algorithm that informs the users about the “normality” of the data or the need to be controlled by their GP. In any case, when the Control Centre detects values that fall outside normality, it implies that a professional sets up a video-conference with the user recommending the measures to take.
The specific objectives of the project are :
• Research in the area of home domotics to include in the Telegerontología® device a module addressed to the older people and/or their family caregivers, which would integrate the following controls: turn on/off lights; open/close curtains and/or blinds; turn on/off/regulate heating temperature and/or air conditioning; open/close water supply.
• Research in the field of telemedicine, in order to integrate with Telegerontología® services and devices such as wanderer control by using presence detectors, fall detection by using position sensors or diaper moisture detection.
• Facilitate the e-inclusion and well-being of the elderly through the investigated products.
• Reduce the socioeconomic cost of the care of dependent people by extending the telegerontology program proposed in the digital agenda of the city of A Coruña (Smart City) to improve the quality of life, promote personal autonomy and independent life through individualized and autonomous services, with the aim to reach as many users as possible both in their homes and in public centers.
Project term: 2014.
Funding entity: Diputación de A Coruña (12.911,33 €).
Participants: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 65,208.72 €.
Overview: This project is intended to maintain the service and that more users of the Gerontological Complex can enjoy this therapeutic activity which alleviates, delays or even prevent cognitive dependence. In addition, fostering the relationship between the elderly and the society prevents social isolation and increases their autonomy and personal self-steem.
Although this service has been running in the GC La Milagrosa since 2010, it is now when more resources are needed given the increase in the number of users of La Milagrosa interested in this therapy, or those who, by therapeutic prescription, can take advantage of it to improve their psychosocial well-being.
Some of the objectives of this project are:
– 1. Keep and expand, due to the demand of the users, the Telegerontología service at the GC La Milagrosa, offering it to all residents regardless of their cognitive status (there will be 3 intervention groups according to the results of their cognitive assessment).
– 2. Increase the use of applications of Telegerontología among users of La Milagrosa, socializing in ICT: participating not only in the cognitive training, Telecognitio, but also in health aspects such as health control through biomedical parameters and training in health promoting contents.
– 3. Contribute to the Galician and A Coruña R+D+i through the testing in the sample of residents, of the improvements in the Telecognitio program and in the applications related to the health control which are being improved and increased in Telegerontología. The provincial government is helping not only in the health care area but also in the R+D+i area.
Project term: 2013.
Funding entity: Diputación de A Coruña.
Participants: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 36,561.80 €.
Overview: Multisensory stimulation rooms (MSSR), through non-pharmacological techniques, try to reduce the symptoms associated with dementia (cognitive impairment, behavioural and psychological symptoms) to improve the quality of life of patients with this disease. This room seeks a balance between the sensory stimulation activity and the sensory relaxation activity.
Pharmacological treatments have not established, thus far, to be very effective in the reduction of symptoms associated with dementia, such as cognitive impairment or behavioral and psychological symptoms. In the last decades, non-pharmacological techniques have been developed with the purpose of improving the health status and, consequently, the quality of life of the patients with dementia.
The aim of this project is to evaluate the strength of a MSSR in institutionalized older people with dementia, in comparison with a group which will follow individual “activity sessions” and a control group which will go along with their normal care.
The specific objectives are:
– Measure the effectiveness of the room in the user’s behavior and emotional status.
– Measure the effectiveness of the room in the user’s cognitive and functional status.
– Improve the global quality of life of older people with dementia by extrapolation of the data.
– Promote the utilization of this type of sensory stimulation rooms in both private and public centers for older people.
Project term: 2012-2014.
Funding entity: Lifelong Learning Programme (Grundtvig Multilateral projects).
Participants: UDP-A Coruña, University of A Coruña, Technical University of Gabrovo, University of Ulm – Centre for General Scientific Continuing Education, Patto Territoriale Oristano Soc. Cons. a r.l, Age Action Ireland.
Budget: 399,199 € (45,220 € UDP-A Coruña).
Overview: The main objective of this project is to provide people of 60 and more years the skills needed for an active aging, staying longer in the society, community, employment and learning. This general objective will be developed through specific goals such as the development of an active learning community to learn the principles of an active aging in terms of health, physical and cognitive ability, social communication and solidarity between generations, supported by young people within the 16-35 age group. Other goals are to increase awareness of younger and older generations on active aging and their benefits; strengthen the cooperation of training providers, development agencies, elderly associations, and those responsible for taking decisions in relation to learning and practice of active aging. All this from a European perspective.
Project term: 2012.
Funding entity: Obra Social Fundación La Caixa.
Participants: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 21,500 €.
Overview: The objective of the project is to develop a program of social-psychological intervention addressed to the family caregiver-dependent older person to improve their quality of life. A group of family caregivers of dependent people was selected in order to develop a plan with two aspects: on one hand, a psychological intervention addressed to the caregiver (emotional support, relaxing and anti-stress techniques, mutual support groups, training in the caregiving activities, psycho-educative workshops and other) and to the older person (cognitive stimulation); while on the other hand, the inclusion in a program of social support, from the voluntary work developed by the UDP, which allows an older person interact with others outside their family environment, and the family caregiver have a few hours a week to devote to their leisure activities. The program is free for all participants and has a duration of 7 months (April to October 2012).
Project term: 2011-2013.
Funding entity: POCTEP-Operational Programme for Cross-border Cooperation: Spain -Portugal.
Participants: UDP-A Coruña, University of A Coruña, Galician Government, Amicos Associatin, Centro Distrital de Segurança Social de Viana do Castelo do ISS, IP, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Arcos de Valdevez (SCMAV) and Serviços de Acção Social da Universidade do Minho.
Budjet: 1,754,674.58 € (127,668.25 € UDP-A Coruña).
Overview: The project main objective is to encourage a joint planning and utilization of cross-border (Galicia and North of Portugal) innovative social equipment, programs and services for an early detection of future dependence needs of the elderly, and the promotion of a healthy and active aging. This general objective is divided into different specific targets that are detailed below:
– Target 1. Capitalize, transfer and disseminate at a cross-border level those best practices and innovative advances in early detection of dependence, intergenerational solidarity or active aging, which affect the project geographical area, broadening the analysis to a national, transnational and European level.
– Target 2. Progress in the prevention and early detection of dependence by means of a larger cross-border cooperation: interdepartmental and institutions, and in the innovation of protocols and areas of intervention.
– Target 3. Develop new cross-border technological tools and services to the care of older people.
– Target 4. Promote the aging values at a cross-border level.
Project term: 2011.
Funding entity: Fundación Barrié de La Maza.
Participants: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 21.000 €.
Overview: The project aims to assess, on an experimental basis, the effects of the application of ICT as support system vs traditional systems addressed to informal caregivers of dependent individuals. To do this, two groups of caregivers are selected: one (ICT-Group), participates in an online training program through an e-learning platform that, among other activities includes educational contents developed according to the needs raised by the caregivers, the references published on this type of programs; a videoconferencing system connected to a control center; a forum for caregivers (online version of mutual aid groups) and participates in a programme of blended support which consists of face-to-face self-help sessions (in the Gerontological Complex La Milagrosa) and telephone support for questions. In order to ascertain the degree of compliance with the objectives, pre and post-intervention evaluations of participants of both groups are performed to analyse the effects of each of the programs for each target group. Also, a database is created with the most common queries and their solutions, which will constitute a reference to other caregivers.
Project term: 2008-2012.
Funding entity: European Commission. Seventh framework programme (Grant Agreement 216487).
Participants: UDP-A Coruña, University of A Coruña, Robotiker Foundation, SABIA and INGEMA (Spain), LEGRAND, Hospital de Broca, GET/Inst. National des Télécom, Groupe ESIEE, ESIGETEL, IBISC UEVE and University of Evry (France), University of Reading–IMSS (UK), Technical University of Ilmenau and METRALABS GmbH (Germany), Austrian Research Centers GMBH, AKG and CURE (Austria), Lab-in-Ham (Belgium) and HOLEC (Holland).
Budget: 7,8000,000 (390,474.56 € University of A Coruña).
Overview: One unique selling point of the CompanionAble project lies in the synergistic combination of the strengths of an embodied mobile robotic companion with the advantages of a stationary smart home environment since in typical care scenarios the exclusive use of a mobile robot on the one hand or a smart home solution on the other hand cannot accomplish the demanding tasks to be solved. Positive effects of both individual solutions shall be combined to demonstrate how the synergies between a stationary smart home solution and an embodied mobile robot companion can make the carer and the care-recipient´s interaction with their assistive system significantly better, because it is expected that the sum of both aspects is more than its parts. Moreover, the combination of robot mobility and user-adaptive interaction modes (e.g. via emotion recognition) would best suit the elderly person through their cognitive stimulation, and the flexibility giving cognitive stimulation anywhere in the home will constitute an interesting benefit and impact for the elderly person suffering from loneliness. CompanionAble complements the stationary smart home environment in bringing to bear its capability for integrative continuous observation and detection of critical situations.
Project term: 2008-2009.
Funding entity: Fundación Edad y Vida.
Participants: UDP-A Coruña, University of A Coruña.
Budget: 30.000 €.
Overview: The overall objective of the project is to develop devices for collecting and continuous online monitoring of medical parameters adapted for the elderly. The specific objectives are the selection of a set of devices for collecting medical parameters (blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, oxygen saturation) that are usable by people without training, always taking into account the special needs of older persons and the economic accessibility; the development of a system for medical parameter collection based on these devices and which can be integrated in TeleGerontología®, the development of an online system of transmission of biomedical parameters safe and standard; the development of a system that allows the visualization of data by health personnel and their automated analysis.
We understand that the development of such a device provides multiple benefits to the environment of socio-health care.
Project term: 2008.
Funding entity: Obra Social Fundación La Caixa.
Participants: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 40,000 €.
Overview: Project addressed to dependent elder caregivers in the province of A Coruña. Specialists in the field of intervention with caregivers and old people will provide home support aimed to improve the quality of life of the beneficiaries and create a long-lasting support network. It will be a yearly program with the participation of different specialists in the field of the gerontology and geriatrics such as one social worker one physiotherapist and one occupational therapist, who will be coordinated from “La Milagrosa” Centre.
The program is addressed to patients with dementia and/or dependence and their family caregivers and it will consist of the following home personal services offered by the corresponding professionals: Physiotherapist (musculoskeletal rehabilitation with intervention on back and neck pains, muscular overload…, and education in postural care and hygiene); Occupational therapist (adaptation to environment, re-education in the basic daily life activities and education of the caregiver) and Social worker (attention to demands, support and socio-family advice, individual monitoring).
Project term: 2007-2009.
Financing entity: European Commission. Socrates Programme (134476-2007-BG-GRUNDTVIG-GMP).
Participants: UDP-A Coruña, University of A Coruña (Spain), Technical University of Gabrovo (Bulgary), Cyprus Adult Education Association (Cyprus), Pirkanmaa Westcome, Adult Education Unit (Finland) and the Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz (Polond).
Budget: 262,500 € (36,000 € University of A Coruña).
Overview: The main objective is to build up a supportive intergenerational learning environment to develop intergenerational learning circles of retirees and students so that they can be aware of their cultures and respect their diversity; elaborate learning materials to improve some of the European key competencies as well as physical activity and healthy nutrition. Use the blended learning approach with both retirees and students so that they can determine for themselves, their formative environment, manage their time and enhance the teaching skills of both target groups to contribute to a mutual transfer of knowledge, skills and experiences for the benefit of the community.
The expected outcome is to create an intergenerational e-learning environment based on formative circles between students and retirees, implemented by:
– 1. Intergeneracional curriculum.
– 2. Learning materials in Social skills, Adapted Sport Games and Health Issues; Basic ICT and English Language Skills.
– 3. Teaching material for both students and retirees .
– 4. Team portfolios and country portfolios.
– 5. Reports on the research findings.
– 6. Reporting, quality and evaluation procedures.
– 7. Partnership e-communication system.
– 8. Evaluation and progress reports.
Project term: 2006-2008.
Funding entity: European Commission. Socrates Programme (229596-CP-1-2006-1-AT-GRUNDTVIG-F1).
Participants: UDP-A Coruña, University of A Coruña (Spain), University of Graz (Austria), Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic), University of London Goldsmiths College (United Kingdom), Summer University of Jyväskylä (Finland), University of Pécs (Hungary) and European universities continuing education network.
Budget: 292,435 € (14,055 € University of A Coruña).
Overview: The overall aim of the project ADD-LIFE! is to develop university accredited modules for non-traditional students, especially senior citizens.
The curriculum includes scientific learning as well as instruction for training promoters in the specific topic taught. The objectives of this Project are to explore different models of inter-generational learning, collaborative learning among older and younger learners, and inter-generational collaboration in designing new modules; develop learning opportunities that will promote participation of individuals in the European civil society as promoters and facilitators/mentors of others; design 12 modules of learning using different models and flexible approaches, carrying out a pilot study in 6 of them; systematically evaluate the pilots studies and report back on the actions learned from intergenerational teaching and learning, as well as from the joint design; and systematically assess and report the actions learned about the potential role of the universities in the training of promoters in the different fields of voluntary and paid work, identifying the need for further development, including concrete recommendations; disseminate and assess the outputs and products of the project among the professional communities in and out of the European universities.
Project term: 2006-2007.
Funding entity: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. State Secretariat for Social Services, Families and Disability.
Participants: UDP-A Coruña, University of A Coruña.
Budget: 44,000 €.
Overview: EThe development of the Spanish 4th Welfare State pillar, together with the setting up of the National System on Dependency mainly affects the dependant people over 65; it is therefore necessary to face the development of this System taking into account that absolute needs do not exist but they depend on the environment and on an specific socio-cultural characterization. We then propose (by consulting experts (Delphi technique) and the affected people) the creation of a Model of Intervention for the Promotion of the Independence reflecting the real interests of this heterogeneous group. This Model of Intervention will be based on a differential study on the needs perceived/detected by this group in the Galician rural/urban areas taking into account the existing gender differences within this heterogeneous group. The target group consists of a population fulfilling the following criteria: 65+, dependent person according to Law specifications and living in an urban (> 5000 people) or rural (< 5000) population.
Project term: 2006-2007.
Funding entity: Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade (Plan Avanza).
Participants: UDP-A Coruña.
Budget: 115.420 €.
Overview: The main purpose of this project is to ensure the participation of older people in the Information Society, and more specifically, seniors with disabilities, establishing an online support net which will allow them to introduce themselves in the use of the ICT as means for social integration, avoiding social exclusion and improving their quality of life and that of their caregivers, as well as the quality of the care dispensed, while preventing the risk of institutionalization of the patient, a situation which, on the other hand, will positively impact on the healthcare system.
The specific objectives include: to establish an online system in pilot homes; get involved with the users (disabled elders) and carers through an interaction with the assistencial center via the operation capacity of the following services: online contents and cognitive stimulation.
Project term: 2005-2007.
Funding entity: Dirección Xeral de I+D+i de la Xunta de Galicia.
Participants: UDP-A Coruña and University of A Coruña.
Budget: 64.024 €.
Overview: The objective of the project is to develop the dissemination of products and services at home adapted to the elderly through the television, one step further within telecare, but clearly differentiated and evolved, with the main objective of keeping the older adults in their natural habitat, in turn delaying the need to institutionalize it. The project consists of two distinct elements. On the one hand, development of the hardware that includes the gateway that allows to convert the telephone signal into a visible digital signal on any television monitor, in addition to being able to be manipulated remotely and include the different connections for the complementary peripherals of the contents (biometric determinations, home automation, telealarm, etc.) and the remote control of ergonomic and simple design that allows to browse the Internet. On the other hand, the development of the software, which includes the contents designed for Telegerontología, and that in this project would include an application of cognitive telestimulation of own development, a video conferencing system of rehabilitation sessions from a reference center (La Milagrosa), an interactive viewing system of different professionals specialized in the field of gerontology (e.g. The doctor of the house), as well as other content of interest to this collective (tourism, health, leisure, etc.).