Third in age, first in recycling

Terceros en edad, primeros en reciclar

“Third in age, first to recycle” is an initiative designed by Ecoembes and aimed specifically at the elderly, an essential group for making progress in recycling. Today there are 8.8 million people over 65 years of age in Spain, with a projection of exponential growth. In addition, the elderly have…

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With the arrival of good weather, we start one of the favorite activities of our users of the Day Center, gardening. This activity has a therapeutic function as it stimulates mobility, attention span, and the will to improve. It is a creative task, which favors mental work and self-realization, besides…

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Multicomponent physical activity

Actividad física multicomponente

At the La Milagrosa Day Care Center we continue with the development of personalized exercises such as the Multicomponent Physical Activity program using cycloergometers, whose objective, by improving muscular strength and power, is to reduce the incidence and risk of falls, as well as to prevent functional deterioration, avoiding disability…

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Pedaling & talking project

Proyecto "Pedalear & conversar"

This April we started to participate in the project carried out by Afundación (Obra Social A Banca); Pedal & Talk, framed in the international movement “Cycling without age”, initiated in Denmark and consolidated in many cities around the world.  Pedal & talk is a program of volunteering and accompaniment for…

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Visit students OT al the UDC

Visita alumnos terapia ocupacional (UDC)

On March 14th, 16th, 21st, and 23rd, several groups of students of the Geriatrics course of the Occupational Therapy Degree of the University of A Coruña (UDC) visited our complex in the afternoon. The visits consisted of a presentation about the service model and the multiple activities of the center,…

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Therapeutic chess

Ajedrez terapéutico

On Thursday 4th November we resumed the therapeutic chess programme, which had been suspended due to Covid-19It is held weekly, on Tuesdays at the Day Centre and Thursdays at the Residence. The activity is given by the monitors of the Cultural Sports Association (INCUDE) of the UDC and the support…

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