Gerontologic Compex La Milagrosa
Center especialized in the care of the elderly

The Gerontological Complex La Milagrosa was founded by the Provincial Association of Pensioners and Retirees UDP-A Coruña in 2001, with the inauguration of the Center of Day-time Stays, which is later joined (2007) the Center for Permanent Stays or Residence.
Located in the old school La Milagrosa, heritage of the Provincial Council, which gives to UDP-A Coruña a space of the building of approximately 3.000m2 and 1.200m2 of garden, the Complex consists of 70 day-care and 64 nursing-home places, highly specialized in the care of the elderly.
Managed by Prof. Dr. José Carlos Millán Calenti, Professor of Geriatrics and Director of the Research Group in Gerontology and Geriatrics of the University of A Coruña, the Complex has been linked to the University of A Coruña, with many professionals sharing the teaching and research activity with the healthcare and clinical activity, which gives the center a special and highly innovative character.
Specialized in the care of elderly people with frailty or dependence, or for the loss of their functional capacity (frailty syndrome, brain-vascular disease and Parkinson’s disease) or cognitive capacity (dementia and Alzheimer’s disease), the Complex has specialists from the fields of medicine, nursing, psychology, occupational therapy and physiotherapy with specific training in geriatrics and gerontology (master’s and/or doctorate), which carry out their activity in an accessible and modern center, characterized by the potentiation of non-pharmacological intervention, in front of the pharmacological, in its different spaces (multi-component physical activity room, garden and multisensory stimulation room, computerized posturography room or audiometric registration).
When new potential residents are admitted, professionals of the Complex carry out a Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in order to adapt the intervention to their specific needs (person-centered care), always trying to improve their quality of life; element that clearly differentiates La Milagrosa from other institutions, being the only geriatric resource of our community accredited as center of research and development (R&D), with important achievements collected in numerous scientific publications.
La Milagrosa has been born to and for the elderly.