D. Antón Acevedo, General Director of Elderly People of the Department of Social Policy and Youth accompanied by Dr. Fernando Lamelo from the Unit of Coordination and Assistance Support to Residences (UCAAR) of the health area A Coruña-Cee visited the facilities of the Gerontological Complex La Milagrosa.
During their visit they had the opportunity to talk with the staff of the centre about the intervention programmes developed in this centre, highlighting their interest in those related to multisensory stimulation in snoezelen room and multicomponent physical activity (AFM).
In the pictures, we can see both doctors, accompanied by the Director of the Centre (Prof. Millán), Dr. Villamil (doctor of the centre) and Mercedes Domínguez, nurse of the UCAAR, in the garden of the centre and watching a session of AFM.