Multi-sensorial stimulation for dementia (Snoezelen room)
The multi-sensorial stimulation (MSSE) in Snoezelen room, available in La Milagrosa, is a new non-pharmacological technique for intervention in people with dementia. The Snoezelen room includes objects that stimulate the 5 senses: fiber optic, bubble columns of bubbles, projectors of images, music, tactile objects, aromatherapy…
The Gerontology Research Group from the University of A Coruña has demonstrated its effect on anxiety, agitation, dementia severity or physiological parameters (heart rate or oxygen saturation), particularly in users with severe or very severe dementia, where another type of intervention would be very limited.
The advantage of the MSSE is the stimulation of primary senses without any need of intellectual activity by the patient, as occurs in the advanced stages of dementia, where communication and verbal fluency are very impaired.