Residence La Milagrosa

The best care for the elderly

  • Residence. Gerontologic garden

• 64 PLACES •
– Stays: permanent and temporary, case of availability of free places.
– Physical rehabilitation (fractures, ACV, …) and cognitive intervention (dementia).
– Gerontological garden and multisensory stimulation room (Snoezelen).
– Medical and nursing care (24h.)
– Rates from 2.100 euros/month in double room.

For the elderly and the elderly frail and/or dependent.

Two single rooms and 31 doubles distributed over three floors (64 places).

Comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) and Individualized Intervention Plan (PIA) of residents through the interdisciplinary team and the different clinical-care departments. There is a highly specialized area for the care of patients with behavioral and psychological disorders, typical of some dementias.

The residence also has three multipurpose rooms, two rooms for family and visitors, a nursing room, pharmacy office, medical office and several consultations.

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