Gerontologic Complex "La Milagrosa"
La Asociación Provincial de Pensionistas y Jubilados de A Coruña (UDP-A Coruña)
y el
Complejo Gerontológico La Milagrosa os desean
Felices Fiestas
y un Año 2025 lleno de Paz y Prosperidad.
Visualiza nuestra felicitación ¡Dale al PLAY!
Residence (64 places)
– For elderly people and elderly people who are frail and/or dependent.
– Permanent and temporary stays (case availability of free places).
– Physical rehabilitation and cognitive intervention.
– Garden and multisensory stimulation room (Snoezelen).
– Medical and nursing care (24h.)
– Rates: from 1.872 euros/month in double room
Day Care Centre (70 places)
– For elderly people and elderly people who are frail and/or dependent.
– Permanent and temporary stays.
– Hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 20:00.
– Full days (9:00 to 20:00) and eight hours to choose from. Also, morning or afternoon with or without food.
– NEW Early Bird/Conciliation Service: from 8:00 to 9:00 (Breakfast included)
– Physical rehabilitation and cognitive intervention programs.
– Gerontological garden of multisensory stimulation.
– Rates CD: from 411€/month on a part time (4 hours) without food.
– Rates for Early Bird/Conciliation Service: 100€/month or 8€/day.
New Active Aging Program
Mixed intervention
– Mixed intervention (physical and cognitive)